"Love to make music to"

Thursday, September 3, 2009

i'll be your mirror / reflect what you are

The Flaming Lips

she keeps wishing / for a secret society to call

The Flaming Lips are releasing their album Embryonic in the near future (already tipped by some as their White Album equivalent, slightly sad we had to wait for their 12th until this happened), and if the three songs they've released are any musical litmus test then it should be very good indeed. Here's one of them, getting a lot of airtime on JJJ at the moment.


don't speak to me that way / don't ever let me say
Moby is headlining this year's Falls Festival alongside the Yeah Yeah Yeahs (I would love to see them both, but bearing that in mind I'd even rather see both Animal Collective and Why? at Meredith, but that's another saga in a sentence...), and I include two songs of his latest album below, as well as Alice from Last Night, which I have a tendency to overplay on my earphones while wandering around, absently tapping the rim of my coffee cup, before performing.

J Dilla

anyone could see / you're the one for me

There are a lot of very dedicated J Dilla fans out there who would happily devote their entire lives to reconstructing his immense back catalogue. I'm a bit different: I hate his pure hip-hop. What a heretic! But hear me out.

His sample-driven work - most notably the album Donuts - is sheer brilliance, and the extent to which it is immensely, superlative-most-heavily good, just emphasises how shallow a grave his other work digs in the disco-topography. These very short song snippets below are by no means well-known, as I had to get them from the musical-acquiring equivalent of "the back of a truck": short (all a minute or less) sample-heavy songs from tape recordings which showcase his immense talent. Track 27 from 3 Beat Tapes in particular is quite special: enjoy!

J Dilla:

Hot Chip ft. Robert Wyatt and Geese

what is it i don't remember / made my being so much better

I spoke about touching coffee cups earlier, Rob took it to heart...Hot Chip re-imagined several of the more quiet songs from Made in the Dark with the aid of Robert Wyatt and the interspersed remixing talents of Geese on a four-song EP. According to their Twitter their newest and keenly awaited album is "in a brown paper bag on two USB sticks"; yet another reason to love the interweb.

Hot Chip ft. Robert Wyatt - One Pure Thought (Geese remix)

i really want to watch diva again

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